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Request for Proposals

We can't do everything alone and need to enlist services from our professional community.

Current Request for Proposals

Ozark Regional Transit Authority (ORT) is issuing this Request for Proposal (RFP) to solicit proposals from qualified contractors/consultants to provide push-to-talk (PTT) portable radios, companion equipment. and all software and hardware required to operate the portable radios either hand-held or vehicle. mounted to support mission critical communications for the transit system.


The PTT radio is often considered one of the most important tools that transit operators, buses and dispatchers use. The most significant goal of the PTT radio is to provide employees in the field reliable two-way mission critical voice communications in both an urban and rural environment. The proposed PTT radio must be able to provide a variety of key features to meet the needs of each job assignment within ORT. The key features include encryption, GPS, noise suppression, emergency call and corded and/or wireless remote speaker/microphone.


Any explanation desired by a contractor regarding the meaning or interpretation of any RFP provision or

questions must be submitted in writing via email and sent to Tayler Clark at

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